Nuremberg Castle with City Moat | oil paint/carton | Friedrich Neubauer

Nuremberg Castle with City Moat

inventory number: w0097
Oil paints
75 x 50 cm

This picture is an important contemporary testimony. It shows the view of the roofs of the Nuremberg Old City crowned by the medieval imperial castle before the destruction in World War II. The view of this part of the city moat does not only show the thickness of the city walls but also the quality structure of the fortified towers with the walls being opposite. In 1848 the towers were officially declared to be no longer part of the defence of the city. Friedrich Neubauer uses warm pastel tones for painting the sandstone which was used for building the walls and shows that the bottom of the moat was used for gardening at that time. This is proved by fruit trees being in full blossom in spring 1941.