Bavarian Paradise in “Hofbräuhaus” |  | Friedrich Neubauer

Bavarian Paradise in “Hofbräuhaus”

inventory number: w0264
Drawings coloured

“In Munich is a Hofbrauhaus...” that is how a popular song starts. The Hofbrauhaus ist depicted as Bavarian heaven. The guest fell asleep after some liters of beer. In his dream the waitress appears as a little angel with a chain of Bavarian veal sausages on a tray. The dachshund leashed to a chair is snatching at these sausages. In the meantime more angels are descending from heaven carrying liter mugs full of beer. Jacket and hat with a tuft of chamois hair have been put down on the next chair. The spires of the Munich Church of Our Lady´s against the backdrop of the Bavarian Alps seem to sway. The winged Munich Kindl is carrying the blue and white flag of Bavaria ahead. The scene depicted could not be more typical. Friedrich Neubauer calls the colored pen-and-ink drawing “Munich heaven”.